Monday, July 11, 2005

There's plenty going on these days, and so much i want to say. But each time i blog it down, it doesn't come out sounding right. :-S
I've got a hoard of drafts sitting patiently in blogger. I bet each of them are wondering when i'd put them up so that they can speak for me.

But they eventually will, after editing. Yes, good drafts, sit tight a little ok.

I realized how slack i've been this year and i am beginning to feel panic rising up in me. As i compare the kind of mugging i did last year despite my hard work, i dread the mugging i will need to do this year as the exams approach this october.

Just a couple of pictures.

In the Spirit of Narcissism, I took a whole bunch of portrait photos and realized that the only one worthy of being posted was the one with half of my face. (hm, quarter actually, come to think of it.)

Sigh, face the truth squarely, Jo.
(pun unintended)

Actually, the subject of this photo is really the target sheet behind me.

These are just a few of the most important people in my life, some others had to leave earlier while our group leader is the photographer. These are the people who allowed me to open up about my walk with God, and the people who are walking the same walk with me, with our same Lord, Jesus.

The NTU cell from Church of Our Saviour.

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