Wednesday, November 19, 2003


Ok, am feeling listless, bored and sianified.
Brain definitely not working today.

Oh! Ok, i've added 2 new links, January and Jenna.

Hey, Jenna:
Itz ok lah. Am just joking about the "you make blog for me" thing. I think it better that i learn and not use you as a scapegoat. Heh.

Had a nice day out with Betty, mua ACJC classmate. I tell u, this girl is really nice. We really relate well and have matching opinions and preferences in many areas... (gads, is that scary or what. heh.)

She's just as mad, as loud, as wonky, as childlike and ... ... blah, as me. Which's why i think we really clique!
Ok, DUUUHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-nudge nudge-

Sat IN the rich red plush one sitter comfort chairs at Coffee Bean and yakked a bit before we went off cos she needed to meet her boyfriend.
Did mundane stuff but it was the talking i liked particularly.

Thinking back, i really miss the days in uniform and conformity.
When we were all strictly "still students/young kids" and not older, supposedly more independent UNI students on the way to "full" adulthood and working life.

All the cheeky stuff.
And the usual school nonsense and rubbish talk.
All the stressed faces and ramblings about how we failed so badly.

But i wouldn't ever redo my As even if u paid me.

Your Sango! When your not on the field training or
doing sports you are shy and quiet, you do your
homework and always turn it in on time, yet you
are always looking for a bit more from life.

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Till then.
*grins and waves frantically*

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