Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The next time someone makes a "smart joke" that people would usually exclaimed "SO CORNY!!!" after, please refrain from saying "SO CORNY", instead say "SO PUNNY!" (you do know that "p" can also be pronounced the way "f" is pronounced too, right). This is because "corny" means "dated, dull and tiresome". Which is hardly what you meant to say in the first place. I really don't know how and why "corny" got so misplaced in our vocabulary.


I realize that in subtle ways, the places that i've been immersing myself in challenges my fears and weakpoints. Like how in SIM, all my classmates are adults, 90% of whom are 30+ and above, and where i work part time, i deal with lots of expatriates, i pick up calls from strangers, i have to be nice and smiley all the time even when i make mistakes or have been told things in a less than kind way.

I haven't grown up, really. Kind of like, a child stuck in a body that doesn't stop aging. It changes, the numbers go one up every year, but there's something in me that hasn't quite changed profoundly. I don't need a kick in my tush for something to happen right?


My race draws nearer... The training has resulted in my improved endurance, and my timing has also improved. Not to say that it's wonderful by most standards, but it's definitely better than what it used to be. The only problem with it is that it's improving too slowly for my liking! Never mind, we'll see what happens on the day itself. *grins to self*


The church varsity camp that we spent about a month on with planning is finally over, and rats, i didn't even spend half the time at the camp! (because of work) Still, I'd have to say that it's been a great pleasure working with everyone. You guys are a fun, witty, garang and driven bunch... and i will always have a soft spot for my games comms people. GROUP HUG! *bimbotic giggling* But seriously, they're so easy to work with because they're always spilling with creative ideas, bubbly like Pepsi, smart and quick as whips, cooperative, selfless and most importantly... like minded in the ways of SABOTAGE. Muah hahahahahaha!

M and B, much thanks to the both of you!


Anonymous said...

finally u took sum time to blog...aha busy dating issit? no lah i know u r all-rounded....involved with alot of interesting activities. Me leh have been quite bored at work. soon in july i will be up to my neck in work. geez. i hope u dun find this word corny or puny...hahahah

Anonymous said...

here is a nice place to rent or buy

Anonymous said...

it is true. some see more vibrance than others. some see more beauty in others. some see more details than others. wat do u tink abot LOVE?

Anonymous said...

wow i didnt know i m so good. my risk of cheating= zero

Anonymous said...


no lah, hardly any time to date lor. seriously. it's good to be busy, the question is whether we can reach and sustain being at the optimum level of busy-ness.

risk of cheating? erm, like, how did this topic come about. O.o

Anonymous said...

this came from that quiz thingy from the website above

Anonymous said...


Ohhhh.............. for a while there, i thought that i received a couple of random anonymous comments by someone i don't know.