Monday, July 02, 2007

Music really changes how one sees things. I was sitting alone on a long wooden bench situated outside the Singapore Tourism Board that is positioned parallel to their glass walls and to the road in front of me. I watched the cars go by and the people who walked briskly on past. If i were staring ahead without my ipod, i'd pretty much just stone, or think about non important stuff, or anything random.

But with music pulsing through my ear drums, (depending on type of music of course. Jazz, Jim Brickman and Gospel music today) i'm seeing mundane life carrying on with a slight smile on my face and a glow in my heart. I feel like i've been transported to somewhere else, that i wasn't in hot and busy Singapore. Suddenly the sky looks bluer, the passing of cars more romantic, and people look lovelier.

Both a dangerous and fascinating quality.


Issy said...

ah! jo! i just blogged about my iPOD too..totally like what you said and the way you said it :) music in your ears really helps you enjoy your surroundings better! :D

Anonymous said...


;-) Yeah! Hee, aren't coincidences cute.

DaDeGea said...

heh. on the contrary, i think music on the go does the exact opposite.
w/o music, u let thoughts wonder. "mundane life" IS music to the ears, and your thoughts are influenced by that. what you see on the streets inspires what you conspire in that little world of your own called the brain.
(that, and w/o music in your ears, you interact with the "living" environment around you. like PsP, Gameboy, the Newspaper, handphones, iPod is juz another anti-social accessory. most of the time =p)
you see human nature at their best and worst, and all else in between.
with music, you're on a self-created spiral. self-created, coz w mp3 players, you pick the songs to suit the mood. and for myself, i tend to have songs specific to moods i'd like to get into or out of, including anger, lovesick, hate, happy, cheery, angst, blah. =p
so, much as i love and adore my mp3 player, having it everytime i step out of the house is, imo, unhealthy.
and no, i din write this post juz so i can add another hit on jo's list of "memorably long ambrose replies" =p
i may have written this tho, juz for the sake of argument ^^ but that's for u to judge =p

DaDeGea said...

correction: it does change the way you see things, if u even notice anything (i don't half the time), but it may not be healthy if you're the type whose mood swings with yur music. n since our playlist is a self-selection, it's MAY be detrimental. emphasize may =D
bleah.. i've said too much -,-'"

Anonymous said...

Perhaps for some people it works that way, that the environment influences the thoughts.

Would you however agree, that thoughts being brought to life, thoughts conspiring in my brain, by the living environment is different, as compared to thoughts being influenced by music.

Thoughts being led by what we see, is not exactly influenced, but rather, it is triggered. It is only influenced, when we make meaning out of the thoughts that are triggered. And we do this by drawing on our opinions, beliefs, value systems, mood, etc.

What we see is objective, how we interpret it and the meaning that we give, is subjective.

and so... i've seen your correction, and that is precisely the point i'm making. which is why since music in an mp3 player is a self selection, i agree it can be detrimental, or fascinating, depending on purpose for the music, type of person you are, etc.

haha. i don't mind comments for argument sake. get to think and reflect more.

Anonymous said...

cant understand wat u guys are talking abt...blur----

Anonymous said...

god! true blue psych student.

Anonymous said...


haha... er, no lah. maybe it's just the way we phrase what we are saying that might make it seem a bit more complicated than it really is.

i am a true blue psych student? why's that?

Anonymous said...

u even analyse ambrose's post so well. spoken like a true pyschologist would. wahahaha

Anonymous said...


*red face* muah hahaa....

DaDeGea said...

"i agree it can be detrimental, or fascinating, depending on purpose for the music, type of person you are, etc."

*nods head* and i'm inclined towards detrimental haha =p

way the go! psych student! =p