Thursday, February 10, 2005

Bad form


I wish i had been Belinda Lee.

Keanu Reeves is mine.

*** ***

Guilt ridden me, guilt ridden me.


It's Chinese New Year, can i just let loose?
I feel the nagging at the back of my mind... "go to work... go to work... you haven't finished your readings, you still have your essay..."

I haven't even gone for my first lecture and tutorial and i am already trying to attempt the question. I have this habit of trying to do everything fast and ahead of everyone and ahead of the given schedule.

Thing is, if i don't solidify and totally get the full picture of the things i've learnt, i'll just waste my energy and effort if i go ahead and write my essay.

*** ***

There seems to be so much i wish to say except that my brain isn't working too efficiently.

Church camp planning, hanging around aimlessly, wishing i could sit in my chair and study, ponder...

I think i'm just... Really tired and not in the best of form.

I beseech thee... Whisk me far away, far from the cares of this world, bring me to a place where my eyes can behold the far reaches of this world, where i can take a breath with a chest unladen, and not have an atom of worry at all.

I need to sleep. Just when i thought i could study.

Till Then.
*Lord, please forgive me for putting other things ahead of you.*

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